Thursday, May 24, 2012

Day 3, done!

Day three of the tour dawned on us like one of those Monday mornings you love to hate. Yes it was Monday and we had to move on. Austria awaited and travelling is never an easy thing, especially with 30 people in a festive mode.

But despite this it was a jolly atmosphere that started off the day as stories were swopped and war tales of the night before retold. Some enjoyed the night more than others as they ensured they had lasting memories of Munich and all it offered.

Some tired bodies boarded our bus and the six hour trip to Vienna. A quick stop a little way into the trip was accompanied by a “regmaker” to help wake us all up. It did the trick and the next two hours to our lunch stop in Salzburg was filled with rip-roaring laughter as details emerged of the night before.

Salzburg greeted us with open arms and a quick brew of Spiegl settled our nerves as we all tucked into lunch. Then it was on again as we headed to Vienna, arriving late afternoon for an interesting meal in the beautiful town hall.

Of course, no good deed goes unpunished, and the fines meeting was a bit more extensive this time, with our guide Lucien coming in for a  lot of stick – especially his chirp that the Glockenspeil was “unmissable”. He will learn quickly that time is not to be wasted with this lot.

After dinner we headed to the Bermuda triangle – an area of pubs in Vienna and quickly found their beer was lighter and more easy to palet. Some  decided to show their moves on the dance floor, while an unexpected challenge to find a red cowboy hat was met and delivered with ease. It isn’t easy to floor these guys…

Our friendship continued with some Serbian guys who joined us and filled us in with a bit of history before we ambled back on the scenic route to the hotel. Vienna was only for one night, but the Tavern Tour group made the most of it.

- Brenden Nel

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