Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Dublin...day two

Dublin greeted us with glorious weather as we set out on our next adventure, this time to the famous Guiness Brewhouse, as we continued our search to find a beer as good as a Castle.

It was an impressive place, kitted out on six floors and ready to host the avid beer drinker, and so we immersed ourselves in the experience, taking in a dark brew at the top of the building with a birds eye view of Dublin itself.
A quiet lunch and the boys were buzzing again, Dublin was too fascinating a city to be left alone in.  Luckily with the little time we had, there was a plan. An amphibious boat run by the Viking Splash Tours picked us up, and immediately we knew this was our type of tour.

Blessed with Viking hats, and with a guide that was as difficult to understand through a thick Gaelic accent as he was funny, we set off around Dublin, finding out about the sights in a slightly unconventional manner. After all, it isn’t every tour guide who asks you to roar “Aaargghh” at passing coffee shop people, map-reading tourists or big top busses.

Either way, we made the plunge into the water somewhere near where U2 had recorded most of their albums, although the place escapes me right now, only to find the heatwave we had sailed into had its own entertainment.

We were treated to a bit more than expected when one local stripped off and dived into the water starkers.  For those who were struggling with the pace, it woke the boat right up, and we all had a good laugh at the man’s rather insignificant offering to us that afternoon.

Back to Dublin and an hour to walk around, we found a pub or two and chilled out before heading back to the hotel. One has to be in fine form for a night like this, as we headed for dinner in the Temple Bar district.

After a great dinner we ambled down towards the pubs. Beer on tap greeted us like never before. The place was buzzing and we started exploring. A maze of pubs, acoustic musicians and tasty brew found us as much as we found them. There was dancing and singing, drinking and laughter. Fun and friendship had met us once again.
It was a long night for most. A long night that will be remembered for a long time.

- Brenden Nel

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