Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Tavern Tour Touchdown

It was both with a bit of angst and anticipation that we made our way to O.R.Tambo airport late Friday afternoon.

Anticipation because this truly promised to be one of the greatest trips that any red-blooded South African could ever take. A quest of epic proportions, to taste the best beers that Europe can offer and return home to report back.

Five countries, 10 days.  Thirty eager faces awaited, kitted out in some excellent Castle Lager gear and full of gusto. If beer drinking had a marathon, this would be its Comrades. If camaraderie was to be tested, the best beer in Europe would definitely test it.

The angst was something altogether different. We’d all heard the stories, we’d all been told about the legends of the Castle Tavern Tours before. It truly was a test of a man’s soul. It was a journey into manhood, a passage to know your inner-most being. A quest to conquer your own beer-drinking limits.

The angst was clear. Just how would one fair against such a test? What challenges would come your way and how would you handle them?

But being greeted on arrival at the airport and meeting new friends, strangers who are likely to become brothers, the angst was replaced by excitement. There was laughter and stories, there were chirps about football, rugby and how many Castles it would take to take to make the bigger boys fall.

All of this passed as we shared South Africa’s only home-grown beer. Laughter and friendships, all coming together with a Castle.

Checked in and moving, we passed through passport control with reminders of how lucky we were. The time before we boarded the flight was passed with some Castle Draught. We savoured the taste, knowing we were heading into tougher beer-drinking territory, knowing ahead lay the unknown.

Finally on the SAA flight we were disappointed when the few Castles had run dry. Apparently South Africa’s home grown airline only stocked a few Castles, never enough for the thirsty hoard that was heading to Munich.

Sleep, oh glorious sleep. Having been on a few rugby tours in my life, I realised how precious this resource would be in the days ahead. Sleep would be at a premium and although always awkward on a flight, the Boys were snoring like babies before long.

Breakfast and touchdown. Munchen greeted us like a long lost friend. The City is buzzing. Tonight sees the Champions League final between Chelsea and the hosts Bayern Munich. We quickly decided – almost unanimously – that Bayern were our team tonight. We may not get to the final, but will be in a Pub nearby.  Red and White was a good choice, although some including myself may have made the choice because John Terry was in a certain blue team.

Showers and check-ins, with the news that the Bulls had lost their Super Rugby game in Dunedin was greeted with chirps from those who supported the Stormers and Sharks.

Our first task would be revealed shortly as we headed to the famous Paulaner brewery. The quest had begun…

Brenden Nel

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