Thursday, May 24, 2012

Day 4...time flies

Day four…was it already day four?

Vienna was like Mozart’s requiem -  a beautiful stopover where we caught a glimpse of the beauty of the city, but never its soul.

But time was against us and we again were on the move. Some heavy bodies slumped into the coach and boarded for the Czech Republic.

We had been told about Prague and its traditions, the city of a 1000 sphires and a legendary nightlife but there was little to prepare us for what awaited.

On the road again we marveled at the change of scenery. Heidi’s houses were replaced by monolithic apartment blocks, recognizable by their own faded unique colour as the reminders of Czech’s communist past flooded past us.

Some weren’t in a state to marvel at the buildings, but sitting on a bus, and (thankfully) not being able to drink more beer there was some respite for our livers.

Our first stop off for a toilet break and beer pause at a roadside gas station was an interesting one. Czech Krona is the currency here, although they accepted Euros, but there was some interesting mathematical calculations going on, as we found our first Pilsner Urquells for the day.

To be honest, they went down hard. The combination of a late night out and a long journey probably did that to us, but we soldiered on.

Some found their salvation in energy drinks, knowing what lay ahead…

Prague was beautiful to say the least. Such a stunning environment, and such a beer culture.
Our first stop was at the Czech beer festival, a big top atmosphere which was a bit empty when we arrived, but with hundreds of beers to choose from, we certainly filled up on our share as the crowds started arriving.

It took us some time to realize but the crowds were escaping the heat in the air-conditioned tent, which was more packed and festive than the outdoor big top we first wandered into.

Several beers later and some had donned the odd looking hats in the Czech national colours. We were here to adopt local culture at every venue, and through the national language of beer we succeeded.

Back to the hotel for a quick shower and we arrived at the Beer Factory, a local bar where the taps are on your table, and where tables compete for the privilege of consuming the most beer for the evening.

Our table made the most of the effort, with a stunning 9 litres consumed over supper, proof again that when you’re on a Tavern Tour, its thirsty work.

After dinner our stroll down the cobblestones of Prague saw an interesting “Jerry Springer” guest impersonation by a local clearly unhappy with someone chatting to his missus.

Our brief entertainment was interrupted by a renewed thirst as we headed into a bar aptly named “Double Trouble”.

From there the night was a bit of a blur. Prague had certainly welcomed us with open arms. And we were loving every minute of it.

- Brenden Nel

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