Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Prague to Ireland...in style

Ok so if Prague was legendary, what were we going to do to top that.

Ramon, our experienced tour guide thought it good to give us a bit of a lie in after the final night in the Czech republic. Not that it mattered, as many of the crew crawled in the early hours of the morning with more war stories of note.

Prague had been big. Very Big. It had been the midpoint of the tour and that precise moment when everything gelled together. Fun, friendship and beer. Everything that Castle stands for, came together in one of the best beer drinking cities in the world.

To tell more of the exploits would be to betray the tour mantra. Let’s just say it was everything we hoped for and more in a city, and it certainly left an impression on us.

Onwards to the airport and the flight to Dublin, where we were reminded of the draconian security measures, having to strip off shoes and belts to get through to the duty free – where we quickly realized this duty free makes Joburg look like paradise…

To be honest, the tired bodies didn’t care much, especially as those weary lads had sunk into a mac attack on the public side of the airport.

We boarded Air Linguis, and I never even knew we took off, being rudely awoken in Czech as the flight attendant scolded Vrystaat for having the nerve to pull his shade down at the window as we were on descent.
Three hours had passed in a whisper, but we were all very much awake as we arrived in Dublin, where fun, friendship and song apparently goes well with a beer in these parts.

A quick shower and off to the Merry Ploughboy, a traditional Irish singalong group who kept us entertained with great irish music, some stunning food for the evening and loads and loads of the dark stuff.

It quickly became clear that the other tables were from the USA, France and a scattering of other countries, but when it came down to it, they never had a chance against the Castle Tavern Tour group.

The Ploughboys tried to take the mickey out of us by getting Kim on stage, then complaining she never left them with a thank you kiss, so Angelique volunteered, only to send big Danie and Pieter up to show them a proper “South African kiss”. Not quite what they expected, but it certainly did bring the house down.

More beer afterwards in the downstairs pub and more camaraderie. The tour group was taking strain, but so far nobody had even thought about giving in. After all, tomorrow the Temple Bar area awaits.

- Brenden Nel

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